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and pine for thee in the threshold Of thy houses may it desire to be dissolved and to be with thee. Grant that my soul may hunger for thee, thou Bread, of Angels, thou refreshment of holy souls, our daily super-substantial Bread, having all manner of sweetness and delights. May my heart ever hunger for thee and feed on thee, on whom angels long to look; and may my inmost soul be filled with the sweetness of the taste of thee. May it ever thirst for thee, thou well of life, thou fountain of wisdom and knowledge, thou source of everlasting light, thou torrent of pleasures, thou fatness and abundance of the house of God; may it ever yearn towards thee, seek thee, find thee, tend towards thee, attain to thee, meditate ever on thee, speak of thee, and work all things to the praise and glory of thy name, with humility and discretion, with love and delight, with ready care and glad affection, with perseverance even unto the end; and do thou be alone and evermore my hope, my whole trust, my riches, my delight, my gladness and my joy, my rest and my calm repose, my peace and my sweet content, my fragrance and my sweetness, my food and my refreshment, my refuge and my help, my wisdom, my portion, my own possession and my treasure, in whom my mind and my heart are fixed and rooted firmly and immovably for evermore, Amen.

I humbly implore thine ineffable mercy, O my Lord Jesus Christ, that this Sacrament of thy Body and Blood, which I unworthy have received, may be to me the cleansing of all my sins, the strengthening of what is weak within me, and my sure defence against all the perils of the world. May it bestow on me thy forgiveness and establish me in grace; may it be to me the medicine of life, the abiding