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Page:The Catholic prayer book.djvu/245

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Anima Christi (Paraphrased).

SOUL of my Jesus, by thy sacred grace,
Oh! from my heart each sinful stain efface.
Spirit of Jesus, be my light and guide,
To thy direction, I my mind confide.
Blood of my Jesus, on my soul o’erflow,
And cleanse it whiter than the fallen snow.
Body of Jesus, be my daily bread,
My last support, when on life's verge I tread.
Love of my Jesus, with thy sacred fire
Consume my heart, a holocaust entire.
Heart of my Jesus, grant, O grant in thee
My rest and dwelling-place may ever be.
Passion of Jesus, may I seek relief
From thy remembrance under every grief.
Cross of my Jesus, yield support to me
In hours of sorrow and adversity.
Wounds of my Jesus, by thy virtue heal
Each wound my soul can know, or heart can feel.
Thorns of my Jesus, may I gain by thee
A glorious crown of immortality.
Mercy of Jesus, spare me at that hour
When I shall fall beneath death’s awful pow'r.
Sighs of my Jesus, for me speak and plead,
For grace, or pardon, deign to intercede.
O agony of Jesus, then atone
For sins, for which thou hast the pow'r alone.
Lips of my Jesus, whilst, O whilst I live,
And when I die, to me thy blessing give.
Jesus most merciful, my Lord benign,
For pity grant this ardent prayer of mine.
O may thy blessing be my last gift here
And first to greet me in a happier sphere.
