mined resolution should be the happy effect of the union you have so lately contracted with Jesus Christ, and of all the graces you have received this last week. But perhaps you have already often determined to serve God, and made the same resolution after each of your Communions, which is so recommended to you; whence came it then, that you have been so negligent? Why have you fallen away from your first fervour? Why are you now the very same as you were when you first received your Saviour in this adorable mystery? It is because your resolutions hitherto have been only vague and verbal resolutions, such as relapsing sinners themselves seldom fail to make, such as many of the damned frequently have made. But if you sincerely intend to avoid being ranked among relapsing sinners, you would do well to dwell on the following reasons or motives for perseverance: — First, consider that your divine Redeemer, whom you have received in the Sacrament of his Love, will at all times be as great, as good, as amiable, as merciful, as worthy of your whole heart, as he now appears; consequently though you may change, though your fervour and desire to advance in virtue may lessen in a month hence, perhaps in less, you should nevertheless persevere in your good resolutions, for the same reasons which caused you to make them. You should say to yourself, is not God the same now as when I felt that he deserved any exertion I could make for his sake? None of the truths of religion have changed — death is just as uncertain — judgment as terrifying — hell as formidable — eternity as long as when they made such deep impression on my mind. Secondly, reflect on the difficulty you will certainly find in returning to God, if once you completely fall off from
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