renounce his holy religion, and to maintain it, if need be, even at the peril of my life. This I most earnestly beseech thee, O my God, through the merits of thy Son our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee for ever and ever. Amen.
O Holy Spirit, Eternal Love of the Father and the Son, vouchsafe to grant unto me, I beseech thee, the fruit of Charity, that I may be united to thee by divine love; the fruit of Joy, that I may be filled with a holy consolation; the fruit of Peace, that I may enjoy inward tranquillity of soul; the fruit of Patience, that I may endure humbly everything that may be opposed to my own desires; the fruit of Benignity, that I may willingly relieve the necessities of my neighbour; the fruit of Goodness, that I may be benevolent towards all; the fruit of Longanimity, that I may not be discouraged by delay, but may persevere in prayer; the fruit of Mildness, that I may subdue every rising of evil temper, stifle every murmur, and repress the susceptibilities of my nature in all my dealings with my neighbour; the fruit of Fidelity, that I may rely, with assured confidence, on the Word of God; the fruit of Modesty, that I may order my exterior regularly; the fruits of Continency and Chastity, that I may keep my body in such holiness as becometh thy temple; so that having, by thy assistance, preserved my heart pure on earth, I may merit in Jesus Christ, according to the words of the Gospel, to see God eternally in the glory of his kingdom. Amen.
An Act of Faith.—O Holy Spirit, I firmly believe that I am about to receive thy gifts in the Sacrament