What a beautiful example St. Teresa gives. She tells of a lady who wished to be married for no other end, than that after she was dead there should be some one left on earth to glorify God in her place.
ADORABLE Heart of Jesus. conform all my desires to your own. Enable me, my God, to please thee. It is all my desire. Sweet Virgin Mother! you were present at the marriage feast, and out of the abundance of your compassionate heart, your beautiful lips uttered the words, “They have no wine.” Be present, dear Lady, at my marriage. You know what I have not; and what you ask for, you receive. One word for me, sweet mother, and your gracious presence! Dear spouse of our Lady, St. Joseph, companion and solace of Mary, pray for me.
On Mental Prayer, or Meditation.
MEDITATION is morally necessary to salvation, because it is impossible to know the truths and the mysteries of our holy religion, except by the eyes of the soul; in other words, by frequent and serious reflection. He who neglects this, walks, as St. Augustine says, with his eyes shut, and in this way it will be impossible for him to discover the road which he ought to choose, and the means which he ought to employ, in order to arrive at his destination, namely, at heaven.
But meditation is chiefly necessary to salvation, because he who is not in the habit of meditating does not pray, and so is lost. He who does not meditate