The Heart of Jesus is the sweet support of those who worship it. O strong and delightful support! Thanks be to God, the support of creatures has failed me. Such support always fails sooner or later, and that for many reasons. None save God can adequately appreciate our spiritual and corporal distresses. His heart only then can adequately compassionate our miseries. Our distresses may be so long and so complex, so various and so intricate, as to try the patience of our dearest friends. Love only can sustain and pass through all opposition, and that love such as the embrace of Jesus Christ is alone able to inspire. Would you have him in readiness to press you to his bosom in the hour of your distress? Would you have him ready in the hour of fear to whisper, “ It is I, be not afraid? ” Would you, in your last agony, let fall your head on a pillow such as only he can furnish? O, then, secure now that adorable rest, and accept the invitation, “ Come and learn of me, all ye that are meek and humble of heart, and you shall find rest for your soul.”
"Place me near thee, O Heart of Jesus, and let my enemy fight against me.” Pone me juxta te, et cujusvis manus pugnet contra me.
"I sleep, and my heart is watching." — Cant. v. 2.
"I sleep,” he says, "and my heart is watching.” Ah ! had Jesus simply said "I sleep,” and no more, his words, far from giving me that delight which they now convey, would but have created inquietude