Jesus is sentenced to death by Pilate.
V. We adore thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, and bless thy holy name:
R. Because, by thy holy cross, thou hast redeemed the world.
OUR gracious Redeemer, after suffering most injurious treatment before Annas and Caiphas, a cruel scourging, and a crown of piercing thorns, is condemned to death. This iniquitous sentence your Jesus accepts with admirable humility. Innocence submits to punishment in order to free the guilty. Reflect that your sins caused his condemnation, and your stubborn impenitence extorted the bloody sentence from Pilate. Purpose now seriously to amend your life; and while you reflect on the horrid injustice of Pilate, who condemns innocence lest he should not appear a friend of Caesar, with deep conviction of your own guilt, condemn yourself for your many sins of human respect; think how often you have offended God from the fear of displeasing the world; and, turning to your Saviour, address him rather with tears of the heart than expressions of the tongue, in the following prayer:
O MANGLED victim of my sins, suffering Jesus, I have deserved those bloody stripes, that cruel sentence of death; and yet thou art put to death for me, that I should live for thee ! I am convinced that if I desire to please the world, I cannot be thy servant; let me then displease the world and its vain admirers. I resign myself into thy hands. Let