stretched on the cross and nailed to it. How insufferable the torture, the nerves and sinews being rent by the nails! Consider the exceeding desolation, the anguish of the tender Mother, eye-witness to this inhuman punishment of her beloved Jesus. Generously resolve, then, to crucify your criminal desires, and nail your sins to the wood of the cross. Contemplate the suffering resignation of the Son of God to the will of his Father, while you are impatient in trifling afflictions, in trivial disappointments. Purpose henceforth to embrace your cross with ready resignation to the will of God, and address Him in the following
PATIENT Jesus ! meek Lamb of God, who didst declare, “ when I shall be exalted from the earth, I will draw all things to myself ,” attract my heart to thee, and nail it to the cross. I now renounce and detest my past impatience. Let me crucify my flesh with all its concupiscences and vices; here burn, here cut, but spare me for eternity. I throw myself into the arms of thy mercy. Thy will be done in all things. Grant me resignation, grant me thy love; I desire no more. Amen.
Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc. Glory be to the Father, etc.
V. Jesus Christ crucified, have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy on us: O Lord, hare mercy on us.
V. And may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
R. Amen.
Tui Nati vulneráti,
tam dignáti pro me pati,
pœnas mecum dívide.