How dare I, then, converse with slanderers, liars, drunkards, or swearers; or with such whose discourse is either quarrelsome, dissolute, or vain ?
Repress in me, dear Jesus, all inordinate affections to carnal pleasures, and to intemperance, by granting me the grace to avoid such company as would stir up the fire of my unruly appetites.
May thy power defend, thy wisdom direct, thy fatherly pity chastise me, and make me live so here among men, that I may be fit for the conversation of angels hereafter.
Have mercy on all sinners, etc. (page 386.)
Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc.
Jesus, grant me grace to call on thee for help,
(To be repeated nine times.)
Jesus, grant me grace in all my necessities to call on thee for help, faithfully remembering thy death and resurrection for my salvation.
Wilt thou be deaf to my cries, who wouldst lay down thy life for my ransom ? Or, canst thou not save me, who couldst take it up again for my crown ?
Whom have I in heaven but thee, O my Jesus, whose blessed mouth has pronounced, Call on me in the day of trouble and l will deliver thee.
Thou art my sure rock of defence against all sorts of enemies: thou art my ready grace, able to strengthen me for every good work.
Therefore, in all my sufferings, in all my weaknesses and temptations, I will confidently call on thee: Hear me, O my Jesus, and when thou hearest, have mercy.
Have mercy on all sinners, etc. (page 386.)
Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc.