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O Lord, what thou dost require of me. I will do it without the least reserve. Make known to me thy will by the way of holy obedience, and I hope to accomplish it. My God! I firmly promise never to leave undone any act which I know to be agreeable to thee, although the performance of it should cost me the loss of all things, of relations, friends, character, health, and even life itself. Let me lose all, if only I may do thy will! Happy loss, when all is sacrificed to content thy heart, O God of my soul!

I love thee, O sovereign good, above all goods worthy of my love, and in loving thee I unite my feeble heart with the hearts of all the Seraphim. I unite it with the heart of Mary and with the heart of Jesus. I love thee with my whole soul; I wish to love thee alone, now and for ever.

Short prayer to remember and repeat.— “ My God! my God! I am thine, and thou art mine.”

The Spiritual Communion, page 323.

Devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

EVERY true and pious Catholic will preserve in his heart a tender devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and this for many and most obvious reasons, among which are the following:

1. It is Mary who gave birth to Jesus Christ our Redeemer: she is, therefore, the true Mother of God. Think seriously for a moment, Christian, on these few words: Mary is the Mother of God. Could