Thou hast not only granted me abundantly the general blessings which this fountain of grace pours on the world, but thou hast provided me with the most favourable opportunities of loving and adoring thee in this august mystery. Thou hast placed me close to thy sanctuary, where I can recur to thee frequently, and daily behold the sacrifice on the altar. Ah! my good God. I am now convinced that thou deservest from me all the love that my heart is capable of feeling; therefore I humbly consecrate to thee all my affections, and firmly resolve from this moment to endeavour to imitate the respect, gratitude, and love, which always distinguished those among thy faithful servants, who were most peculiarly devoted to the august Sacrament of the Altar. Accept, O divine Jesus! the adorable Sacrifice of the Mass, and all the thoughts, words, and actions of this day, which I fervently offer in thanksgiving for the institution of this amiable mystery; in atonement for all the insults, irreverences, and sacrileges, which have ever been committed against it; and to implore for myself and all creatures a solid devotion to the Holy Eucharist. Mercifully give efficacy to my ardent desire of worthily honouring thee in this adorable mystery, and grant me, through thy divine Heart, a share in the purity and fervour of the angels who day and night surround thy sanctuary, and of all those who ever loved thee most in this sacred mystery, that I may serve thee with sincerity and perseverance during my life, and be so happy at length, as to enjoy thee in the splendour of thy glory for a happy eternity. Amen.
Aspiration. — O living Bread! come down from heaven: be thou my support in this life, and my viaticum to a happy eternity.