MERCIFUL Redeemer, and holy God of infinite patience! great is my confusion to appear in thy divine presence, having so frequently preferred contemptible creatures to thee, the omnipotent Creator of the universe. I utterly detest my presumption in sinning ill thy most pure sight; I acknowledge myself a criminal, and I plead guilty at the bar of thy dread tribunal. Thou mightest have been glorified in thy justice, by striking me suddenly dead, and condemning me to eternal flames, for base indignities offered to thee; but thou wast pleased to be glorified in the high prerogative of thy mercy, in calling me back to repentance. 1 abhor all my crimes of thought, word, and deed; not only for the hope of reward, or fear of punishment, but for thy own sake, and because thou dost infinitely abominate them. O God of majesty and mercy! look upon those sacred marks in thy hands, feet and side, which thou still retainest in thy glorified body, to plead my pardon. By that tender love which induced thee to create, redeem, and sanctify me, unite the abyss of thy merits to the abyss of my misery; strengthen my weakness, confirm this my resolution of never offending thee more. O rather let me lose everything, with life itself, than lose thy favour by mortal sin. My heart was created for thee, and I love thee more than myself. Every aspiration of my life, especially the last, shall be a protestation of my pure and sincere love of thy Divine Majesty. Sweet Saviour of perishing mankind! who openest thy hand and idlest every creature with benediction, give me now such a blessing as thou didst bestow on thy beloved disciples when ascending in triumph from Mount Olivet, that I may live and die in this happy disposition. Amen.
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