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give me whatever thou pleas est: not my will but thine be done: it is a greater happiness to fulfil thy will than to enjoy ten thousand lives. How happy should I be, it the destruction of my body could repair the injuries I have offered to thy divine Majesty! My eyes, alas! have seen vanities; my ears have been open to detractions, to profane and unprofitable discourses; my tongue has many ways offended both in speaking and tasting; my hands have contributed to many follies; my feet have often gone astray in the paths of vanity and sin. By this holy Unction, and by the prayers of thy Church, pardon me, O Jesus, all the sins which I have committed by my senses. Let those avenues, through which sin has made its way into my soul, be now shut to the world. Let my eyes be open to thee alone. Let my ears be attentive to thy commandments. Let my tongue be solely employed in soliciting mercy. Let my prayers ascend like incense in thy sight. Let my hands be lifted up to heaven for pardon. Let my feet walk in thy ways; and let my heart be the living temple of the Holy Ghost. Into thy hands, O dear Jesus, 1 commend my spirit. In thee I will live, in thee I will die, in thee I will abide, and in thee I hope to possess eternal rest for ever and ever. Amen.


O MY God, thou hast created, redeemed, and sanctified me; thou hast preserved me in many dangers, both of soul and body. Thou hast nourished me with the adorable sacrament of thy body and blood, and granted me to receive the rites of thy Church, preferably to so many others who were carried off by a sudden death without having been favoured with those succours which thou hast be-