through the gate that leads to the mansions of eternal bliss.
Our Father, etc. Hail Mary, etc.
Lord Jesus Christ! who by thy precious blood hast redeemed *us, we beseech thee to imprint deep on the sold of this thy servant, the memory of thy most sacred wounds, that having them perpetually in [his] sight, [he] maybe encouraged to suffer with patience and resignation, and be armed against all the pangs of death. Thus let [him] cheerfully submit to all the difficulties of [his] condition, and begin, even here, to be united to thee with a love that shall never end.
Grant [him] now to partake of the fruit of thy holy incarnation, of thy bitter passion, of thy glorious resurrection and admirable ascension.
Grant that [he] may be sensible of the effects of thy holy mysteries and sacraments, and of all the prayers which are offered to thee by the whole church.
Remember, O Lord, that thou wast once in the straits of death; that in this extremity, after crying out to thy eternal Father, and commending thy spirit t6 him, thou didst expire. Behold now this thy servant in [his] anguish crying aloud to thee; stand thou by [him], defend and comfort [him] in this [his] distress, and receive [his] soul into thy merciful embraces.
Remember, O Jesus, that thy arms were stretched forth, thy side opened, and thy sacred head bowed down from the cross; have regard now, we beseech thee, to the soul of this thy servant, which, departing out of this world, seeks refuge in thee; receive it into thy arms, clasp it to thy breast, and there let it hide itself, secured from the attacks of all its enemies, till