our souls we may feel thy presence, and that of our holy patrons, assisting us. Three Hail Marys.
2. Glorious Virgin, who at the moment of thy death wast comforted by the sight of thy dear Son Jesus; oh, pray for us, that at that awful moment we too may be comforted by receiving Jesus in the most holy Viaticum. Three Hail Marys.
3. Glorious Virgin, who didst deposit thy spirit into the arms of Jesus; assist us, that we may deposit our souls also into the arms of Jesus, always desirous that his most holy will be done. Three Hail Marys.
Come, then, let us magnify the glory of Mary, assisted at her death by her Son Jesus and his Apostles, and joining in jubilee at her triumph, say with the second choir of the Heavenly Host:
Hymn, or Litany, V. and R., and prayer as before.
3rd Day, Aug. 8th.
She died in an ecstasy of love.
LET us meditate how glorious the most holy Mary was in her death, because she died in a very ecstasy of the love of God; and desiring that we, too, may be strengthened by that holy fire of love, let us ask for her help:
1. Mary, most happy Virgin, who didst die of the vehemence of thy love of God; make it thy care that in our hearts, as God doth will, there be lit up this living fire of his love. Three Hail Marys.
2. Mary, most happy Virgin, who dying of divine love didst teach what our love of God ought to be; pray for us, that we may never leave our God in life or death. Three Hail Marys.
3. Mary, most happy Virgin, who, in leaving this