Come, let us rejoice for the glory given to the dead body of Mary, magnifying her with the fourth choir of the angels.
Hymn, or Litany, V. and R., and prayer as before.
5th Day, Aug. 10th.
In the restoration of life to her body.
LET us meditate how glorious Mary was after death, since by the power of the Most High her body, raised again to life, forthwith acquired the four gifts of brightness, subtilty, agility, and impassibility; and, filled with consolation at the excellency of her glory, let us thus invoke her:
1. Lady exalted, who wast so gloriously raised again to life by thy God; help us so to live on earth that we also may rise again like thee in the last judgment-day. Three Hail Marys.
2. O Lady exalted, to whose risen body were given the gifts of brightness and of subtilty, by reason of the bright example and the humility of thy life on earth; pray for us, that all contemptuous affectation may be removed from us, that so our souls, being freed from all self-love, may be adorned with humility. Three Hail Marys.
3. O Lady exalted, by the gifts of agility and impassibility with which thy risen body was glorified, by reason of thy spiritual zeal and patience while on earth; obtain for us courage valiantly to mortify our bodies, and patiently to curb all our inordinate inclinations. Three Hail Marys.
Then let us render due praise to Mary, and magnify the glory which adorned her risen body, while with the fifth choir we exalt her.
Hymn, or Litany, V. and R., and prayer as before.