7th day, Aug. 12th.
She is enthroned in heaven.
LET us meditate how glorious Mary is in heaven, because she is enthroned there as queen of the universe, and is ever receiving homage and veneration from countless hosts of angels and of saints; and assisting at her royal throne, let us implore her aid:
1. Sovereign Queen of the universe, who for thy incomparable merit art raised to such high glory in the heavens; in thy pity look upon our miseries, and rule us by the gentle sway of thy protection. Three Hail Marys.
2. Sovereign Queen of the universe, who art ever receiving honour and homage from all the heavenly hosts; accept, we pray thee, these our invocations, offered with such reverence as befits thy dignity and greatness. Three Hail Marys.
3. Sovereign Queen of the universe; by that glory which thou hast by reason of thy high place in heaven, vouchsafe to take us into the number of thy servants, and obtain for us grace that, with quick and ready will, we may faithfully keep the precepts of our God and Lord. Three Hail Marys.
Let us take part in the joy of the angels praising Mary, and rejoice because we know that she is raised to the dignity of Queen of the universe; while with the seventh choir we sing:
Hymn, or Litany, V. and R., and prayer as before .