greater fulness than all others; dispose, we beseech thee, by thy gracious aid, our cold hearts for the approaching solemnity of Pentecost. We fly to thee, most benignant Mother of sinners, that thou mayst obtain for us a lively contrition for our sins; so that, although we cannot receive the Holy Spirit, as innocent, like thyself, yet may we receive him as true penitents, together with those meek penitents who received him in the upper room. Grant this, most holy Mother, not for our merits, for we have none, but out of thine own exceeding goodness, and that great love which thou bearest to the same blessed Spirit, who hath chosen thee to be his Spouse. Amen.
Come O Holy Ghost, etc.
V. and R. Send forth, etc.
Grant, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that the splendour of thy brightness may shine upon us; and that the light of thy light may, by the illumination of the Holy Spirit, confirm the hearts of those who by grace are regenerate; through our Lord Jesus Christ. In the unity of the same. Amen.
May the blessing of Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, descend upon us, and remain with us always. Amen.
Novena of St. Francis Xavier.
O LORD God, who didst vouchsafe by the preaching and miracles of St. Francis Xavier to join unto thy Church the countries of the Indies; grant, we beseech thee, that we who reverence his glorious merits, may also imitate his example; through Christ our Lord. Amen.