saint; and by that love which you had for Jesus and Mary, and by the love which they had for you, obtain for us the incomparable happiness of living and dying in the love of Jesus and Mary. Amen.
(To begin on Wednesday in Pentecost Week.)
O AMIABLE Jesus! who hast given us in the adorable Eucharist, so convincing a proof of thy infinite love, permit us to thank thee in the name of all thy creatures, for the blessings included in this one precious gift. We adore thee, O hidden Deity! and most ardently wish we could offer thee such love as would atone for our own offences, and those committed by all mankind against this most amiable mystery. But, my God, if all creatures are so deeply indebted to thy mercy for this adorable sacrament, how much more sensibly should we feel our obligations, since by thy special predilection we have been chosen to assemble here under the same roof with thyself, to see thee daily offered on our altars, and to receive so frequently thy precious body and blood. Convinced by these thy tender mercies that our confidence in thy goodness cannot be too great, we come now to implore of thee, by that infinite love which induced thee to institute this adorable sacrament, and by all the graces which have ever flowed from this source of every blessing, to grant us the favour we ask in this Novena.
We firmly purpose to become from this moment