Page:The Celebrated Romance of the Stealing of the Mare.djvu/115

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And they said, " Thou didst obey this sayer of sooth, this Bedr,
And so did also we, since clear it was thy bidding.
Yet what things we have seen, O Prince, what mighty wonders !
For we saw the chains from his neck fall down, and the fetters sundered.
As the cotton flies in the wind, when the light wind sends it driven.
And now for ourselves we fear lest his wrath for us be kindled.
Think of the day of account." But Fadel, " As God pleaseth !
I flout not the fakir, nor set myself with the stifle-necked.
Rather take ye this other, this sayer of sooths untimely,
Boaster and cheat is he. Nay, cast him straightway in fetters.
And bring to me the Sheykh, that I may crave his pardon."
So they went forth for the man, the sayer of sooths untimely,
And seized and bound him with bonds. But Bedr aloud protested,
" Do not this deed, oh men, and be not ill in your dealings.
Yet were it well, O Prince, thou shouldst ask of the Sheykh his pardon.
Make him a place at thy side. And I will reveal thee all things,