Page:The Celtic Review volume 5.djvu/10

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Highland Folk-Song, Rev. M. N. Munro, 132
Sea-Poems—continued, Kenneth Macleod, 146
Topographical Varia, W. J. Watson 148, 337
Fairy Tales (English and Gaelic), 155
An Obscure Point in the Itinerary of St. Columbanus on his way to Gaul, Père Louis Gougaud, 171
Reviews of Books:
A Scots Earl: The Life and Times of Archibald, ninth Earl of Argyll (reviewed by Professor Mackinnon); Some Passages in the Early History of Classical Learning in Ireland (reviewed by W. J. Watson); The Old Highlands; Modern Gaelic Bards; The Making of Ireland and its Undoing, 1200—1600 (reviewed by W. J. Watson); Laoidhean agus Dàin Spioradail; Cywyddau Cymru (reviewed by H. Idris Bell); Songs of the Hebrides (reviewed by M. N. M.); Binneas nam Bard (reviewed by M. N. M.), 186, 283, 375
Locality of the Cill-Iosa, 191
Re Proposed Memorial to the late Rev. Father Allan Macdonald, 192
Some Notes on a well-known Work and its little-known Author, 193
A Celtic Poet, Frances M. Gostling, 202
Scenes in Lewis, By Lewis Children, 235
The Glaistig and the Black Lad, Donald A. Mackenzie, 253
Tarbh Mór na H-Iorbhaig, From the MSS. of the late Rev. Father Allan Macdonald, 259
An Cuan Siar, Coinneach MacLeoid, 266
A Sequel to the Legend of St. Brendan, Dominick Daly, 273