Page:The Chace - Somervile (1735).djvu/111

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Book III.
Shine forth a while, and as they blaze expire.
From Wood to Wood redoubling Thunders roll,
And bellow thro' the Vales; the moving Storm 520
Thickens amain, and loud triumphant Shouts,
And Horns shrill-warbling in each Glade, prelude
To his approaching Fate. And now in view
With hobbling Gate, and high, exerts amaz'd
What Strength is left: To the last Dregs of Life
Reduc'd, his Spirits fail, on ev'ry Side
Hemm'd in, besieg'd; not the least Op'ning left
To gleaming Hope, th' Unhappy's last Reserve.
Where shall he turn? Or whither fly? Despair
Gives Courage to the Weak. Resolv'd to dye, 530
He fears no more, but rushes on his Foes,
And deals his Deaths around; beneath his Feet
These grovelling lye, those by his Antlers gor'd
Defile th' ensanguin'd Plain. Ah! see distress'd
He stands at Bay against yon knotty Trunk, 535
