Page:The Chace - Somervile (1735).djvu/137

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Book IV.
The rustick Swains, by long Tradition taught 300
Of Leeches old, as soon as they perceive
The Bite impress'd, to the Sea-Coasts repair.
Plung'd in the briny Flood, th' unhappy Youth
Now journeys home secure; but soon shall wish
The Seas as yet had cover'd him beneath 305
The foaming Surge, full many a Fathom deep.
A Fate more dismal, and superior Ills
Hang o'er his Head devoted. When the Moon
Closing her monthly round, returns again
To glad the Night; or when full-orb'd she shines 310
High in the Vault of Heav'n; the lurking Pest
Begins the dire Assault. The pois'nous Foam
Thro' the deep Wound instill'd with hostile Rage,
And all its fiery Particles saline,
Invades th' arterial Fluid; whose red Waves 315
Tempestuous heave, and their Cohesion broke,
Fermenting boil; intestine War ensues,
