Page:The Chace - Somervile (1735).djvu/31

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Book I.
For much to Health will Cleanliness avail.
Seek'st thou for Hounds to climb the rocky Steep,
And bruth th'entangled Covert, whose nice Scent 160
O'er greasy Fallows, and frequented Roads
Can pick the dubious Way? Banish far off
Each noisome Stench, let no offensive Smell
Invade thy wide Inclosure, but admit
The nitrous Air, and purifying Breeze. 165

Water and Shade no less demand thy Care:
In a large Square th'adjacent Field inclose,
There plant in equal Ranks the spreading Elm,
Or fragrant Lime; most happy thy Design,
If at the Bottom of thy spacious Court, 170
A large Canal fed by the crystal Brook,
From its transparent Bosom shall reflect
Thy downward Structure and inverted Grove.
Here when the Sun's too potent Gleams annoy
