Page:The Chace - Somervile (1735).djvu/46

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The Argument of the Second Book.

Of the Power of Instinct in Brutes. Two remarkable Instances in the Hunting of the Roebuck, and in the Hare going to Seat in the Morning. Of the Variety of Seats or Forms of the Hare, according to the Change of the Season, Weather or Wind. Description of the Hare-hunting in all its Parts, interspers'd with Rules to be observ'd by those who follow that Chace. Transition to the Asiatick Way of Hunting, particularly the magnificent Manner of the Great Mogul, and other Tartarian Princes, taken from Monsieur Bernier, and the History of Gengiskan the Great. Concludes with a Short Reproof of Tyrants and Oppressors of Mankind.