Book II.
Loud was the Cry, Hills, Woods, and Hebrus' Banks, 275
Return'd their clam'rous Rage; distress'd he flies,
Shifting from Place to Place, but flies in vain;
For eager they pursue, 'till panting, faint,
By noisy Multitudes o'erpower'd, he sinks,
To the relentless Crowd a bleeding Prey. 280
Return'd their clam'rous Rage; distress'd he flies,
Shifting from Place to Place, but flies in vain;
For eager they pursue, 'till panting, faint,
By noisy Multitudes o'erpower'd, he sinks,
To the relentless Crowd a bleeding Prey. 280
The Huntsman now, a deep Incision made,
Shakes out with Hands impure, and dashes down
Her reeking Entrails, and yet quiv'ring Heart.
These claim the Pack, the bloody Perquisite
For all their Toils. Strech'd on the Ground she lies, 285
A mangled Coarse; in her dim glaring Eyes
Cold Death exults, and stiffens ev'ry Limb.
Aw'd by the threat'ning Whip, the furious Hounds
Around her Bay; or at their Master's Foot,
Shakes out with Hands impure, and dashes down
Her reeking Entrails, and yet quiv'ring Heart.
These claim the Pack, the bloody Perquisite
For all their Toils. Strech'd on the Ground she lies, 285
A mangled Coarse; in her dim glaring Eyes
Cold Death exults, and stiffens ev'ry Limb.
Aw'd by the threat'ning Whip, the furious Hounds
Around her Bay; or at their Master's Foot,