Page:The Chace - Somervile (1735).djvu/77

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Book II.
Grumbles in Death; nor can his spotted Skin,
Tho' slick it shine, with varied Beauties gay,
Save the proud Pard from unrelenting Fate. 495
The Battle bleeds, grim Slaughter strides along,
Glutting her greedy Jaws, grins o'er her Prey.
Men, Horses, Dogs, fierce Beasts of ev'ry kind,
A strange promiscuous Carnage, drench'd in Blood,
And Heaps on Heaps amass'd. What yet remain 500
Alive, with vain Assault contend to break
Th' impenetrable Line. Others, whom Fear
Inspires with self-preserving Wiles, beneath
The Bodies of the Slain for Shelter creep.
Aghast they fly, or hide their Heads dispers'd. 505
And now perchance (had Heav'n but pleas'd) the Work
Of Death had been compleat; and Aurengzebe
By one dread Frown extinguish'd half their Race.
When lo! the bright Sultanas of his Court
