Page:The Chace - Somervile (1735).djvu/84

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Heavens! what melodious Strains! how beat
our Hearts
Big with tumultuous Joy! the loaded Gales 65
Breath Harmony; and as the Tempest drives
From Wood to Wood, thro' ev'ry dark Recess
The Forest thunders, and the Mountains shake.
The Chorus swells; less various, and less sweet
The trilling Notes, when in those very Groves, 70
The feather'd Choristers salute the Spring,
And ev'ry Bush in Consort joins; or when
The Master's Hand, in modulated Air,
Bids the loud Organ breath, and all the Pow'rs
Of Musick in one Instrument combine,
An universal Minstrelsy. And now
In vain each Earth he tries, the Doors are barr'd
Impregnable, nor is the Covert safe;
He pants for purer Air. Hark! what loud Shouts
