Page:The Chace - Somervile (1735).djvu/88

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Book III.
The num'rous Train: Now a sad Spectacle
Of Pride brought low, and humbled Insolence, 130
Drove like a pannier'd Ass, and scourg'd along.
While these with loosen'd Reins, and dangling Heels,
Hang on their reeling Palfreys, that scarce bear
Their Weights; another in the treach'rous Bog
Lies flound'ring half ingulph'd. What biteing Thoughts 135
Torment th' abandon'd Crew! old Age laments
His Vigour spent: The tall, plump, brawny Youth
Curses his cumb'rous Bulk; and envies now
The short Pygmean Race, he whilom kenn'd
With proud insulting Leer. A chosen few 140
Alone the Sport enjoy, nor droop beneath
Their pleasing Toils. Here, Huntsman, from this Height
Observe yon Birds of Prey; if I can judge,
'Tis there the Villain lurks; they hover round
