36. slay Zu with thy weapon.
37. May thy name be renowned in the assembly of the gods,
38. in the midst of thy brothers, first set up,
39. . . . . made also fragrant with spices,
40. in the four regions they shall fix thy city.
41. May thy city be exalted like the temple,
42. they shall cry in the presence of the gods and praise thy name.
43. Vul answered the speech,
44. to his father Anu word he spake;
45. Father to a desert country do thou consign him.
46. Let Zu not come among the gods thy sons,
47. for the umsimi he took in his hand,
48. the majesty he carried off, he cast away the parzi,
49. and Zu fled away and in his country concealed himself.
50. . . . . opening his mouth like the venerable of heaven and earth
51. . . . . . . . . like mud
52. . . . . was, the gods swept away
53. . . . . I will not go he said.
(Sixteen lines lost here, part on this column, part on Column III.)
Column III.
1. and Zu fled away and in his country concealed himself.