3. . . . . not strong
4. . . . . my face
5. . . . . lay down in the field,
6. . . . . of the mountain, the leopard of the field,
7. Heabani my friend . . . . the same.
8. No one else was with us, we ascended the mountain.
9. We took it and the city we destroyed.
10. We conquered also Humbaba who in the forest of pine trees dwelt:
11. Again why did his fingers lay hold to slay the lions.
12. Thou wouldst have feared and thou wouldst not have . . all the difiiculty.
13. And he did not succeed in slaying the same
14. his heart failed, and he did not strike . . . . over him I wept,
15. he covered also my friend like a corpse in a grave,
16. like a lion? he tore? him
17. like a lioness? placed . . . . field
18. he was cast down to the face of the earth
19. he broke? and destroyed his defence? . . . .
20. he was cut off and given to pour out? . . . .
21. Ragmu-seri-ina-namari on hearing this
Here the record is again mutilated, Izdubar further informs Ragmu what he did in conjunction with Heabani. Where the story reopens on Column VI.