31. 1 measure the circuit of the city, 1 measure of plantations, 1 measure the boundary of the temple of Nantur the house of Ishtar,
32. 3 measures together the divisions of Erech . . .
The opening line of the next tablet is preserved, it reads: "Tammabukku in the house of the . . . . was left." After this the story is again lost for several lines, and where it reappears Izdubar is mourning for Heabani. In my first account in "Assyrian Discoveries" there are several errors which were unavoidable from the state of the twelfth tablet. I am now able to correct some of these, and find the words tambukku and mikke do not refer to the author or manner of the death of Heabani, who most probably died in attempting to imitate the feat of Izdubar when he destroyed the lion.
The fragments of this tablet are:—
Column I.
1. Tammabukku in the house of the . . . . was
(Several lines lost.)
1. Izdubar . . . .
2. When to . . . .
3. to happiness thou . . . .
4. a cloak shining . . . .
5. like a misfortune also . . . .
6. The noble banquet thou dost not share,
7. to the assembly they do not call thee: