Page:The Cheat (1923).pdf/133

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had lived in Lucy's world himself in the days when he was spending every cent he could earn or borrow. He could see Carmelita's point of view. And, as she said, it was her money. The de Cordobas were tremendously wealthy. Doubtless the inheritance from her mother amounted to several hundred thousand dollars. He had not asked her the amount and she did not volunteer it. Dudley was uncertain what to do.

They had turned around and were walking back toward the Hodges, talking as they sauntered along. The sun had set and a full moon was rising over the high hedge that bordered the red shale road. Out on the Sound a yacht sounded eight bells. Dudley walked along a few minutes in silence.

"Very well," he said finally with the ghost of a smile, "we'll try it out. You go through with your lease and take the house. And I'll come out week-ends as sort of a regular guest." As he saw her about to protest, "Even if we took the place together and I were paying for it, as I feel I should be, I couldn't get out any oftener than that. I am frightfully busy at the office and it would take me nearly an hour and a half to get in from here."

"You'll really let me have it, then?"

He nodded. With a little cry of delight she put her arms ecstatically around him and