Page:The Cheat (1923).pdf/161

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in connection with the fair in Rao-Singh's runabout that Saturday afternoon and had missed Dudley's train and was not in the house when he arrived. It annoyed him further to see her drive up with the Indian, though the latter, observing Dudley's presence, made a graceful adieu at once.

Carmelita kissed her husband and fell at once to explaining the reason for her delay and the whole charity project. Dudley was won to it fairly easily.

"I knew you would help," she cried delightedly. "I was very proud to tell Mrs. Peabody that my husband was a veteran of the Air Service himself and would lend every assistance."

Dudley was sincerely glad that she was at last occupying herself with something worth while. He willingly consented to discharge the multitude of commissions with which Carmelita flooded him upon his departure the next Monday morning, and left feeling more cheerful than he had for some time.