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know anything about his past. But all I can say is if I were Carmelita's husband I would manage to get down for more than week-ends and keep a weather eye upon the dark lad.'"

She sat at the wheel, attending strictly to her driving, eyes hard and straight ahead. He wondered if she had heard what he said. She finally said calmly: "Dudley, there isn't a person in the world who isn't gossiped about at some time or other. There are filthy little beasts who can always read dirt in anything. But I really thought my husband cared more for me than to believe smoking-car talk about me. Rao-Singh is my neighbor and has been working with me on this Charity Fête. Naturally we have seen a lot of each other. You know everything about my relations with him since I first met him, because I met you at the same time."

But he was not quite satisfied. "Very well," he said with some heat, "you have been frank and I believe you. I'll be frank too. Thate this Hindu from the bottom of my heart, have hated him ever since I first saw him trying to make love to you in Paris, when I was in love with you and afraid to say so because I thought I had no chance. I hate him and I do not trust him. And he hates me. He is like a very clever snake working in the dark