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interests as far as Chartres was concerned.

"I don't mind telling you that this is a tough assignment," he told Dudley. "And judging by the muff you made of the deal with that other Frenchman, Duval, I'm an old fool to put you in charge. But you've shown signs of buckling down to business lately and one or two deals you've put over have given me agreeable surprises and I want to give you another chance. You're young and just married—to a very lovely girl, I may say—and you deserve a chance. Here's my proposition: Close with Chartres and the day he signs I'll give you ten per-cent. of the commission coming to us—that will be about $250,000. Something to work for, eh? And sometimes when our young men put over something especially noteworthy like this, we take them into the firm. A word to the wise, you know—"

Dudley was tickled pink at the chance. He had come home to their Greenwich Village apartment with mysterious hints to Carmelita of prosperity just around the corner and plunged into the business of cultivating the elusive Chartres with every resource at his command. Sworn to deep secrecy by his uncle regarding the negotiations, he had not even told Carmelita what was in the wind. He arranged an initial meeting with Chartres at the Hotel Biltmore.