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during the winter months." He seemed to believe he was a rival of Rockefeller now. She smiled acquiescence. And all the time a vague uneasiness was spoiling her delight in his triumph. If she could only go to Rao-Singh and get this thing forever off her mind without causing Dudley to ask questions. He took three more dives, thoroughly enjoying himself, and then he took her silence and seeming impatience as a desire to get back to the house, so he announced, "Well, I guess that'll do. Will you roll out early in the morning, Carmelita, and swim with me before I get the train for New York?" She agreed.

It was half-past seven by the clock in the living-room when she walked into the house. Dudley had obediently gone around to enter by the back door so as not to track water over the rugs. He was standing at the foot of the stairs when the telephone rang and she picked it up to answer. At the sound of the voice on the wire she turned pale and looked quickly around to see where he was. Rao-Singh was ealling her.

"I hope you have not forgotten our engagement," said the suave voice.

She answered hurriedly, "Tell Lucy not to worry. I shall be right along. I'm sorry she is ill." And hung up the receiver. "It was Lucy Hodge's maid. She is suddenly ill