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you shot him. Rao-Singh is in a serious condition in the Soundview Hospital. If he lives and you're convicted, it means a sentence of anywhere up to thirty years in the penitentiary. If he dies, you stand a good chance of the chair. In view of your precarious situation, aren't there any circumstances at all connected with the shooting that you can tell me that will give us a chance to build up a case?"

"There are no secrets between a lawyer and his client, you know, Dudley," his undle put in.

Dudley sensed that these two shrewd men suspected that he was holding something back. Well, let them. He would give them no satisfaction.

"You don't look to me like a person who would deliberately shoot a man in cold blood and what I can get about you from your uncle confirms that impression," the lawyer said not unkindly as he picked up his hat preliminary to leaving. "I don't like to doubt your word and I think you're foolish to keep me in the dark about anything in this case if I'm going to defend you. But I think you are trying to protect somebody—Mrs. Drake possibly, since her name has already come into the case. However—see you to-morrow at the preliminary hearing."

Sanford Drake lingered for a moment for a word alone with his nephew. "I'm going to