Page:The Cheat (1923).pdf/299

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Dudley had gone to the home of Rao-Singh, according to this version, and the Hindu had attacked him. During the scuffle the revolver which the Hindu carried had exploded and shot him. This story, Kendall admitted, could be rather easily poked full of holes, and the only plausible things about it were the favorable impression Dudley's personality was bound to make upon the jury and the fact that the shooting had been done with Rao-Singh's own revolver. Moreover, though he did not tell his client this, Kendall had encouraged Carmelita in her determination to be present at the trial and sit beside her husband. A lovely lady in distress can wring sympathy from the most hard-hearted of male jurors. For this reason Banning was laboring to have as many women as possible in the jury box, and the jury when completed and impaneled consisted of nine men and three women.

The foreman was the owner of the Hedgewood stationery and paper store, a sleepy little man who seemed utterly without emotions. As Kendall lounged there, tapping his pencil upon the pile of papers spread before him and whispering instructions to the young Harvard Law graduate, his assistant, who sat on the other side of him, he wondered how much influence the reputed great wealth and power and mystery which surrounded Prince