Page:The Cheat (1923).pdf/325

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Chapter XXV

A limousine was speeding over the Long Island roads in the direction of Hedgewood in a manner that would have delighted the heart of Officer Joseph Delaney if he had been there to witness the sight. For then he could have twisted the gasoline control in the handles of his motorcycle until his speedometer registered sixty miles an hour and could have overhauled the flyer and in a grand manner presented him with a ticket entitling him to an interview at Hedgewood courthouse. Perhaps the two gentlemen in the car would have replied politely that they were bound for Hedgewood courthouse anyway to the trial of Dudley Drake. Whereupon Delaney could have told them that the trial was over and the defendant acquitted. And thus saved them some time and worry.

Both of the men were well dressed, distinguished looking personages well past middle age, but while the man on the right, who seemed to own the car, had iron-gray hair, his companion, evidently by continual applications of dye, had kept his hair and Van Dyke beard a glossy black.