Page:The Cheat (1923).pdf/78

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big accomplishments in this world have been brought about through the stimulus of discontent. The meek may inherit the earth eventually, as the Bible says, but they'll be an awful while coming into their inheritance. Meantime let's have more women of spirit, like Carmelita, if you don't mind my calling her by her first name. Somehow it fits her a lot better than Mrs. Drake, because she'll always be more Spanish than American."

After this extraordinarily long and unbusinesslike bit of philosophy Sanford Drake became crustier than ever for the remainder of the day.

When Lucy and Jack Hodge returned from Europe, they came around one memorable evening to take the Drakes out to dinner and the show. Dudley had never particularly eared for the worldly, selfish Lucy and he regarded Jack as a typical spoiled millionaire's son. But he was forced to admit that it seemed nice to don evening clothes and be rolled in the Hodges' limousine to the Ritz and then to the Follies and finally to an exclusive midnight-to-morning dancing rendezvous. Carmelita, fresh and charming as if she had never known the unaccustomed drudgeries of a poor man's wife, was pleased as a child at her first Christmas.

Between the acts at the Follies when the