Page:The Children of the New Forest - 1847 - Marryat.djvu/172

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ther said, 'that his master's journey to London was to oppose the execution of the three lords; but it was all in vain.'"

"Well," replied Edward, after a pause, "if the King does come over, there will be some work cut out for some of us, I expect. Your news has put me in a fever," continued Edward, taking up the biggin and drinking a large draught of beer.

"I thought it would," replied Oswald; "but until the time comes, the more quiet you keep the better."

"Yes, Oswald; but I can't talk any more; I must be left alone to think. I will go to bed, as I shall be off early in the morning. Is that fellow, Corbould, getting well?"

"Yes, Sir; he is out of bed, and walks a little with a stick, but he is still very lame, and will be for some time."

"Good night, Oswald; if I have anything to say, I will write and send the boy. I do not want to be seen here any more."

"It will be best, Sir. Good night; I will put Smoker in the kennel to the right, as he will not be friendly with the other dogs."

Edward retired to bed, but not to sleep. The Scots had proclaimed the King, and invited him over. "He will surely come,' thought Edward, "and he will have an army round him as soon as he lands." Edward made up his resolution to join the army, as soon as he had heard that the King had landed; and what with considering how he should be able so to do, and afterwards building castles as to what he would do, it was long before he fell asleep; and when he did, he dreamt of battles and victory—he was charging at the head of his troops—he was surrounded by the dying and the dead. He was wounded, and he was somehow or another well again, as if by magic; and then the scene was changed, and he was rescuing Patience Heatherstone from his own lawless men, and preserving the life of her father, which was about to be sacrificed; and at last he awoke, and found that the daylight peeped through the windows, and that he had slept longer than