Page:The Children of the New Forest - 1847 - Marryat.djvu/94

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the better—I am to retain my situation, and so are two but there are many new hands coming in as rangers. I know nothing of them, but that they are little fitted for their places; and rail against the King all day long, which I suppose is their chief merit, in the eyes of those who appoint them. However, one thing is certain, that if those fellows cannot stalk a deer: themselves, they will do all they can to prevent others, so you; must be on the alert, for the punishment is severe."

"I fear them not; the only difficulty is, that we shall not be able to find a sale for the venison now," replied Edward.

"Oh, never fear that; I will give you the names of those who will take all your venison off your hands without any risk on your part, except in the killing of it. They will meet you in the park, lay down ready money, and take it away. I don't know, but I I have an idea, that this new Intendant, or what you may call him, is not so severe as he pretends to be. Indeed, his per mitting you to say what he did, and his own words relative to the Colonel, convince me that I am right in opinion that I formed."

"Do you know who he is?"

"Not much about him, but he is a great friend of General Cromwell's, and they say has done good service to the Parliamentary cause; but we shall meet again, for the forest is free at all events."

"If you come here," continued Oswald, "do not carry your gun—and see that you are not watched home. There are the dogs for your grandfather. Why, how old must you be, for Jacob is not more than sixty or thereabout?"

"I am fifteen, past, nevertheless."

"I should have put you down for eighteen or at least. You are well grown indeed for that age. Well, nothing like a forest life to turn a boy into a man! Can you stalk a deer?"

"I seldom go out without bringing one down."

"Indeed! That Jacob is a master of his craft, is certain;