Page:The China Review, Or, Notes and Queries on the Far East, Volume 22 1RZBAQAAMAAJ.pdf/118

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wuí waí[2]
wún ún[3]
wút út
yaí 𠯋 yaí
yák yíek[5]
yam yam
yan yan
yap yap
yáp 𫼸 yáp
yat yat
yaú yaú
yáú ngáú
ye ye
yik ak
yím ím[7]
yín ín[8]
ying ang[9]
yíp íp[10]
yít 𤍠 ngít[11]
yíú íú[12]
yök yök
yöng yöng[13]
yöü yôí
yuk yuk
yun yan[15]
yün ün
yung yung
yüt üt[16]
J. Dyer Ball.
  1. Exceptions.—乎 ; 壺, 弧, 糊, 狐, 瑚, 瓠, 糊, 胡, 戶, 葫 and 蝴 are ; and ⿴行古, 醐, 餬, 鬍, 鶘, 塢, 祜 are .
  2. Exceptions.—煨, 匯, 會, 蛕 are úöü; and 囘, 廻, 徊, 𭰁, 茴 are húöü.
  3. Exceptions.—垣, 洹, 桓, 緩 are hún; 媛 is hün; 澣 and 晥 are kún; and 浣 is k'ún.
  4. 也 is , or ye; 卄 is ngáp.
  5. In Shek K'éí this is yák.
  6. Exceptions.—儀, 兒, 宜, 疑, 爾, 議, 邇, 二 are ngí.
  7. 炎, 嚴, 閻, 髯, 儼, 冉, 染, 驗, 豔 are ngím.
  8. 延, 妍, 研, 現, 彥, 諺 and 見 are ngín; 言 is ngün, or ngín and and 莧 are hín.
  9. Exceptions.—迎 and 認 are ngang; 影 and 暎 are yang.
  10. Exceptions.—頁 hip; 業 and 鄴 are nyip.
  11. Exceptions.—咽 and 噎 are ít; and 謁 is k'it.
  12. Exceptions.—堯 and 姚 are ngíú but scholars sometimes call them íú.
  13. In Shek K'éí this is yong.
  14. Some fifty-nine of the large number of characters under this heading are ü as above, while the following, viz:—如, 嵎, 庾, 㥥, 愚, 榆, 洳, 漁, 禺, 虞, 蠕, 魚, 女, 汝, 語, 麌, 齬, 兪, 喩, 寓, 御, 瑜, 茹, 蕷, 遇 are pronounced 'ngü; is kòn; 蜍 is k'ü; 乳 is ; and 煦 is .
  15. In Shek K'éí this is yun.
  16. Exceptions.—月 is ngüt throughout the district. In Shek K'éí 悅 is üt also; but the rest of this class may be pronounced yüt in Shek K'éí, though üt is the more common pronunciation.