Page:The Chinese cook book.djvu/187

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(a) Get the outside lining of the small intestine of a pig. Wash thoroughly with salt and then put into hot water for 10 minutes. Tie one end, force air through from the other end, and tie. Dry in the hot sun.

(b) Cut pork into pieces ¾ inch by ¾ inch by ¾ inch. To every pound of pork add 3 ounces of salt, 1 tablespoonful of sweet sauce, 1 tablespoonful of Fun Wine, and a few threads of orange skin. Mix well.

(c) By means of a funnel, put this mixture into the pig lining. Tie the skin about every 6 inches. Punch plenty of small holes with a needle.

(d) Expose in the hot sun for 1 day. Put in a windy place for 4 days. The air should be dry, so it is best to make these in the fall or winter.

Chinese Frankfurter should be kept in a