Page:The Chinese cook book.djvu/221

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Number of ounces per 100 calories

Number of hours for digestion

Oysters 6.82 2¼

Oysters (dried) 1.9 3¾

Peanuts .52 3

Potatoes 24.1 2

Potatoes (gray) 27.6 3½

Pepper 2½

Quail 48.4

Rice 3.1 3

Sugar .86

Tomato (Chinese) 3.24 2¾

Turkey 85 3 to 4

Walnuts 189.4 3

Water Chestnuts 97.6 2¾

Watermelon .27 1

Foods have two purposes: first, the repair of muscular waste; second, the supply of the body with fuel to keep its heat at about 98°. Both are necessary to life.

Nitrogen is the muscle making substance. It is an important ingredient of albumin, which is found in its most perfect form in the white of an egg. Ham, beef, venison, chicken, and beans also are rich in nitrogen.

The carbon needed to keep up the body's heat is found in rice, cornstarch, potatoes, beans and oil.