Page:The Chinese cook book.djvu/35

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and for the final cooking instead of using water.

This soup is always made of equal weights of chicken and lean pork: say ½ pound of each, for each pint of water. It is advisable to use not less than 6 pints of water, and meat in proportion.

The quality of a dish depends upon the nature of this primary soup.

(a) Chop the meat into small pieces.

(b) Cook slowly for 2½ hours, or until about half of the liquid has evaporated.

In order to do away with any oil which may exist, put into the mixture a bowl of chicken blood.

(c) Strain through a thick cloth until the liquid is as clear as water. Should there be any oil remaining on top, skim it off.

Let the soup cool. Keep in the refrigerator to be used as needed.