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the paradise of pleasure cherubim and a flaming sword, turning every way, to keep the way of the tree of life." Another angel goes to the desert to bring back Agar to her master Abraham. A third flies to prevent Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac. Two angels hasten to save Lot from the danger of destruction in the city of Sodom. Many others help the Israelites to find their way through the desert to the promised land. An angel receives the command to encourage Gideon against the Madianites; an other to free king Ezechias from the hostile power of the Assyrians; another to protect the purity of Judith in the camp of Holofernes; another to defend Daniel in the lions den from the fury of those savage animals; another to save the lives of the three youths in the fiery furnace; another to accompany the younger Tobias on his journey; another to free St. Peter from prison; others to carry the body of the virgin and martyr Catharine to the top of Mount Sinai; and so on. All of them went oil at once at the first sign made by God to fulfil the order given; and their chief joy and glory consists in being able to do what they under stand their Creator wishes of them.

And not only are they thus eager to fulfil the commands given them immediately by God, but they also show the same readiness and willingness in executing what other angels tell them, or what they otherwise know to be pleasing to God. For according to the teaching of theologians, all the angels in heaven are not equal in dignity and excellence; one choir is subordinate to the other. Not all receive commands immediately from God, for the inferior is ruled by the superior; just as in a royal court the will of the king is made known by one courtier to another, and by the latter to a third, and so on. Nevertheless an angel executes the command received from another angel with an obedience just as ready and humble as if the command came direct from the Creator Himself, without the least feeling of envy or jealousy at the superior excellence of the other; for every one is quite content with the place and post assigned to him, and they have greater joy in doing the will of God, however and whenever it is made known to them, than they have in their own dignity and glory. " Bless the Lord, all ye His hosts; you ministers of His that do His will." Thus is the Lord blessed by His servants,