Page:The Church, by John Huss.pdf/248

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the honor of God, the prosperity of the church and the salvation of the people, and who does God’s will and uncovers the wiles of antichrist, preaching the law of Christ—he has the marks which show that God sent him.

As to "glory," Christ said: "I receive not glory from men," John 5:41, and, "I seek not mine own glory," John 8:50. As to the second thing, he said: "I came in my Father's name and ye received me not. If another would come in his own name, him ye will receive," John 5:43. In regard to the third thing, Christ said: "I am come down from heaven not to do mine own will but the will of him that sent me," John 6:38. Christ so did because he sought the prosperity of the church and the people's salvation. As for the fourth thing, he said: "The world hateth me, because I testify of it that its works are evil," John 7:7. And finally Christ shows that he was sent from God to do the works of the Father: "If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not; but if I do them, though ye believe not me, believe the works," John 10:37.

And it is clear that the righteous conduct of a priest and his fruitful labor in Christ's Word show to the people that he is sent from God, because he does the works of the Father. Nor should a man be pope, bishop, priest or deacon unless he be so sent of God, and hence the apostle says: "How shall they preach unless they be sent?" Romans 10:15. Therefore, St. Augustine, Quæstiones Orosii, 65, thus answers the question of Orosius how we may know who are sent by God: "Recognize that one as sent by God whom the praise of a few men or rather their flattery did not choose, but him whom the best life and morals and examination have approved to the judgment of apostolic priests or all the people—the man who does not hanker after pre-eminence, who does not give money as the price of the episcopal honor. For he who hastens to secure pre-eminence, as one of the Fathers finely expresses it, 'Let him know that it does not profit