Page:The Church, by John Huss.pdf/275

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contrary to the rule of his vow. Hence, he exclaims, but in a playful mood: "O most obedient of monks, whom of all the words of the elders not a single iota escapes, he does not heed of what nature the command is which is commanded, satisfied if he only obeys, and this obedience is without delay! If this ought to be so, let it now Ve scratched out from the book of the Gospel, where it is written, 'Be ye wise as serpents'; and let that be sufficient which follows: 'simple as doves.' And I do not say that the commandments of superiors are to be examined and judged by inferiors when nothing is found to be commanded[1] at variance with the divine appointments, but I assert prudence to be necessary, by which it may be determined whether anything is at variance; and also liberty to be necessary, with which we may honestly spurn commands." Further, he says: "I have nothing to enquire. Let him see to it, who has commanded.[2] Say, I ask, whether, if the sword were put in thy hands, he would order thee to be struck in the neck, wouldst thou consent?[3] Would it not be reputed to others as homicide, since thou couldst have prevented it? Come, therefore, see to it lest, perhaps, under the pretext of obedience, thou fall into something more grave." Thus much Bernard, who adduces many testimonies from Scripture and concludes: "Thou, therefore, in the face of all these things and other numberless testimonies of the truth to this same purport, dost thou think any one whosoever ought to be obeyed? Hateful perversity, this virtue of obedience, which always wars against the truth, and is girded about against the truth!" Thus much Bernard.

Therefore, this same Bernard in his sermon on the Lord's advent lays down five conditions of right obedience; the first, when the work is a holy work, for it is not permissible

  1. Huss's text leaves out the juberi, Migne.
  2. Migne has quid jusserit.
  3. Migne adds: "If he had been ready by thy act to be thrown into the fire or water, wouldst thou have obeyed and done it?"